The Farmers

We want you to say, "I KNOW MY FARMER!"


Why? Well, it’s a simple but important concept in the exploration of where, how and by whom your food is grown. This page explores the personalities, backgrounds and expertise of the individuals who grow the healthy, beautiful food of Hunts Brook Farm:


Robert Schacht

HBF farmer-owner Rob Schacht (better known as "Digga”) studied natural resource management in college, which eventually led to his journey as a farmer. While rebuilding the original homestead of the current property, Digga often admired the beautiful fields across the street; he realized that he could live his passion for good food and love of the outdoors. So, he became a farmer! To support the farm’s development, Digga worked in special education and construction, eventually establishing and owning a contracting business. 

When he’s not on the farm, Digga enjoys good food, fishing and spending time his family.



Boss is the resident, friendly farm dog. You'll find him basking in the sun, resting in a bed, or giving you a friendly lick hello. Boss is always game for a ride on one of the farm's golf carts, a nibble or two on a farm-grown carrot, and, on really hot days, a dip in the farm's quarry pond.